8th March is round the corner. The BIG DAY , when all of us flaunt our pride in being a woman. But does that pride sustain? Being a girl, at one point or the other , I regret being so. I am pretty sure every female for once in their life time has undergone through that. The concerning issue is 'Why?' . Women are respected, given equal rights and opportunities. Not only these, a special day is reserved to honour their achievements and glorify them. Despite all these, why is it that at some point we regret being a female?
8th March, is celebrated as International Women's Day in order to highlight the economic, social, political achievements of women and reflect on their progress. International Women's Day has enlightened the issues effecting women all over the world and this day belongs to every individual irrespective of their gender who believes in equal status for women.
The growing trend of celebrating Women's Day will never cover up the injustice faced by a certain class of women. Undoubtedly, women have proved their capabilities and strengths in every sphere, taken up leadership in different fields, sacrificed but we can't deny the fact that the least paid jobs are also done by women.
The difference in pay between a male and a female is called the Gender Pay Gap. This gap is worsening for young women in many places including Britain and America . According to the Gender Pay Gap Index of 2020 , India has slipped to the 112th position from 108th position in 2018. This depicts the reality of women's condition in India. Even we in a way unknowingly contribute towards this gap when we tend to pay less or bargain with our maid or the woman selling vegetables. But the class of women who feel inferior to another quietly tolerate thinking that it's the dominant class speaking.Somewhere I feel , the tolerating capacity of a woman, her fear that things might fall apart, her struggle to hold on to responsibilities till the last breathe are some of the reasons which make them vulnerable. At this point of time when we are celebrating 46th International Women's Day, we know how strong we are ,we know how sufficient we are.
Thus quoting Madeleine Albright " It took me quite long to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent ", I would urge to celebrate our entire lives as a woman , as a life giver.
Ananya Mahanta
1st semester
Department of Communication and Journalism
Nice write up, Ananya.