This blog is the contribution by the students, research scholars, resource persons, faculty members, media educators, journalists and alumni of the Department of Communication and Journalism, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India
Tuesday, 30 March 2021
Clean eating
The latest buzz word "clean eating" has become a trend among the health conscious consumers nowadays. If we check out our Instagram handles alone, the "#cleaneating" has around 48 million posts.
Talking about it, we shouldn't misunderstand the term with dieting, it's actually eating better and focusing on nutrition and nourishment. Ofcourse eating clean means different things to different people based on their climate and region they live in, but the common concept that prevails irrespectively of everything is it primarily stresses on eating healthy, organic, wholesome, unprocessed foods, nuts, seeds. Salt, sugar and fats should be in check, with the inclusion of protein, carbohydrates and good fats in our diet. Avoiding refined carbs and including more and more fruits and vegetables as they are loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals and plant based compounds. Now plant based compound doesn't necessarily has to be an insta-worthy bowl of salad all the time, it could be pestering isn't it? So the target should be choosing the healthy food which you already love. Furthermore, it shouldn't be adapted for a specific time or to reach a certain goal like weight loss etc rather it should be taken as a lifestyle to lead a healthy life. Now the term healthy is subjective, it is inclusive of emotional, mental and physical well being so sacrificing one of those and prioritising the other can be deteriorating, hence once in a while It's okay to binge over something you love to eat and treat yourself.
One of the most important factors we need to consider is about the packaged food which are available in the market, we shouldn't forget to check the ingredients thoroughly as many products claim themselves to be healthy but in reality it's the opposite, as for example, an apple is always better than the packaged apple juice which contains added sugar and remains fresh because of the processing and preservatives added to that, some other similar examples are an airtight tuna fish, ready to eat boiled eggs, frozen meats and veggies. Apart from all these, it's just like a cherry on the cake to merge exercise or yoga with eating clean, which would beautify both internally as well as externally with following a good sleep schedule and not obliterate to discard alcoholic drinks and smoking.
By - Ritushree R. Singh
1st semester
Department of Communication and Journalism.
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Yes, Good info, Loved it..,đ
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