Monday, 5 December 2022


The recent  Hijab- burning protest in Iran gathers momentum and spreads around the country. Iran witnessed unprecedented defiance. An example of social movement in social media platforms basically on twitter this has created chaos and challenged traditional systems that has been governing the country. 

The beneficial of cooperative social works have been exposed in the Arab Spring and occupy movements. Electronic social media has become a foundation for social broadcasts and a broad social response to information on social interactions. Social media research shows the collective mobility of the society, how different activities can be combined.

Hosni Mubarak relinquished his position of president-for-life in 2011 after protests emerged against him. Protestors used Twitter to connect with people worldwide. The eighteen-day revolution in Egypt was enough to abdicate Hosni where tweets are ephemeral. The revolution has received so much attention outside of Egypt due to the role of social media. These are termed as "Twitter Revolutions" or "Facebook Revolutions" by the western media. Others Western media have tried to prove that the social media's effectiveness in social movements was only a suspicious relationship.

The hashtag #MeToo movement had a huge impact globally which has been used more than 19 million times on Twitter till 2018. The #MeToo movement has spread widely, the hashtag is used by 55,319 users per day. The 71% languages of the tweets were English, while 29% tweets containing #MeToo were in other languages. This proves the worldwide impact of the movement has had.

India witnessed rise of the #MeToo movement in 2018. Global campaign against sexual harassment and assault motivated and inspired the Indian women to come and opened up to tell their struggling tale about abusing behavior by men who uses their power and positions to abuse the women. It started with the allegations of actress Tanushree Dutta against actor Nana Patekar.

Others women who faced such kind of abuse shared their experiences with the world on social media. Actors, film directors, artists and writers and politicians are also faced objectionable behavior in the professional workplace. From the unwanted attention in offices to the film's set of films, there were many accusations that came out

The NotInMyName is another example of social movement in India with the use of social media. These four words spread the movement across India in 2017. Filmmaker Saba Diwan used the hashtag on NotInMyName on Facebook after hijacking Junaid Khan after debate over beef. The Diwan urged the people to stand against the criticisms and lynchings of Muslims and dalits across the country.



Sangita borah, Ist Semester 



Exploring the Universe Through Science

On January 25, 2025, the Department of Physics at Gauhati University, along with the GU Observatory, organized an event called “Aligning Wan...