Monday, 5 December 2022


We have all had the experience, driving through a beautiful landscape, stop at every scenic overlook to
make photographs sure to capture the grandeur of what we see.When we look at a landscape, our eyes travel over it and selectively focus on the elements that we find appealing.  Our field of vision encompasses a great deal of the scene, but our eyes and brains have the ability to ignore all except the most alluring details. Lenses and sensors or film cannot do this by themselves. They need help.

Time is the most important investment you can make in getting good landscape pictures. By carrying a
compass you can figure out where the sun will rise and set, and imagine how the place would look in
different kinds of light. When you arrive in a place you’ve never visited before, spend time Scouting-
driving Or hiking to different location, finding different stance.

Different landscape subjects are :-
Flowing water
If a river or stream flows through the landscape you are shooting, think about the character of it and
how to convey that character in the image. A big, slow river looks and feels different from a fast moving
mountain stream. The water can be the centre of interest in the image, or it can serve as an element in
your composition.
Photographing forests presents a different set of challenges. First, think about the character of the
forest you want to shoot and the feeling you want to convey in your image.
Look for rays of light penetrating the canopy or one spot on the forest floor directly lit by the sun.
Whether shooting towards a forest or shooting from inside it, look for patterns, lines, and other
compositional elements you can see.
Look for elements that will reinforce your feeling and convey it to the viewer. What composition, angle,
light, and weather seem most appropriate. Look for the telling details that reflect the essence of the
mountains too.
Taking photos using the sunset is a great way to enhance the landscape around you.
The best part about sunset photography is that sunset are so versatile. We do not have to worry about
going anywhere or missing out. A picturesque landscape is preferable of course. No matter what, if you
experiment and use composition techniques the imagery will show.

Lastly, Landscape photography is one of the most popular photographic genres. It’s easy to get started
with the genre, but it can take a lifetime to master landscape photography skills. You don’t need a
advanced camera or expensive lens, and the skills you learn when doing landscape photography
translate to other types of photography.

Sasankar Das,
Ist Semester

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