Monday, 5 December 2022

Of ragging and Bullying: Table number 21

The entire state of Assam is outraged with the recent ragging incident that occurred in Dibrugarh University. While ragging as a social problem has been identified, yet people fail to recognise how harmful bullying can be.  Relating to the situation right now, I would like to talk about a very underrated movie which deals with bullying and psychological harrasment at another level, Table no. 21. We do not get to see such great thrillers very often in Bollywood . Although the movie was made in 2013, I feel like people shouldn't stop watching the movie. More and more people should watch this masterpiece as it delivers a great message, that is, how much ragging effects people's mental health, how much of a crime it actually is and how many deaths or mental disability it caused  knowingly or unknowingly. 

The movie starts with a couple enjoying their vacation and then suddenly they get a offer to play a real life game and win a certain amount. Only to realise later that the game has no exit, It takes on its pace quickly but when the climax hits you, you are gonna be blown off as u would understand why this whole game was basically being played for. The movie carries on with a lot of  suspense and thrill. Then after a lot of torture, Mr Khan, the character whom paresh rawal very finely played, who is the mastermind of the game , took the couple to an empty room with a mentally challenged man, Akram, Mr. Khan's son. Apparently, the man in the room was the couple's junior in college and he was a victim of ragging, that ultimately led him to this state. He then leaves the couple with a gun, to kill his son, for according to him, they already put him in a situation similar to dying. The protagonist then points the gun at himself and shots, to realise later that the was not loaded.

Mr. Khan left Siya and Vivaan to live was perhaps that even without knowing that the pistol/gun was empty, he pulled the trigger on himself rather than Akram because Vivaan himself was disgusted by the fact that they had done enough damage to the poor boy. Maybe that was the only reason Mr. Khan decided to spare them and also remind them that no matter where life takes us, we always go round and round to the same place. People call it karma these days. 

The movie holds you till the end and the best is that a very strong and great presentation is delivered in minimum time.  One of the best revenge thrillers I've watched. I feel like more movies should be made on sensitive topics like these, because no matter how many banners we hangs "RAGGING IS A CRIME", it doesn't ever stop. As a cinema lover, i know that visual representation gives more understanding to the brain and maybe if, more movies or documentries are being made, we can reduce this crime a little bit. 

Ragging should not be a thing, some people think it's fun until they're being put on the victim's shoes. It's high time we reform as a society and stop ragging.

Nayan Nirban Das, Ist Semester

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