This blog is the contribution by the students, research scholars, resource persons, faculty members, media educators, journalists and alumni of the Department of Communication and Journalism, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India
Saturday, 3 April 2021
The Sitcom starring Wanda & Vision
Ever wondered what lies next for the characters after the events of ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ & ‘Avengers: Endgame’. The Marvel Cinematic Universe provided an emotional roller coaster ride with Black Widow sacrificing herself, demise of Vision, Loki, Gamora, our dear Iron Man and Captain America’s retirement.
In 2021, Marvel Studios for the first time brings a TV series of the MCU franchise continuity narrating about Wanda and Vision after the ‘Endgame’ events. The show is created by Jac Schaeffer and directed by Matt Shakman with Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany reprising their respective characters as Wanda & Vision.
The plot of the show revolves around Wanda and Vision after three weeks of the Endgame events. The couple just moved into the town of Westview, New Jersey set in black and white backdrop of the 50’s. Vision, being a synthezoid and Wanda with all her powers tries hard to cope up with the ‘reality’ surrounding them. They have neighbours Agnes who’s very nosy and Geraldine with whom they try to act as normal as they can. With each episode, a decade goes forward and by the third episode, the show starts in colour. The show also focuses on the present ‘reality’ and tries to connect the two.
S.W.O.R.D. captain Monica Rambeau who’s Geraldine in the other reality with astrophysicist, Darcy Lewis and FBI Agent Jimmy Woo successfully managed to communicate and track Wanda from the other reality which actually is shown in the form of a classic TV sitcom show to the other reality.
The show has been one of my recent favourites and also stands out considering the level of the Marvel franchise. I do not actually wanted to reveal much about the plot and give spoilers for those reading the blog but have not gone through the series. The show is a perfect blend of the typical American classic TV sitcom drama along with a thrilling, dark revelations awaiting to make the audience’s curiosity at another level with each episode moving forward. I also love about how the show had focused on the black & white set for some of the first episodes and how they are shot in 4:3 aspect ratio. The makers cleverly shows the shift between the two ‘realities’ by engaging the screen from a fullscreen to a widescreen or vice-versa.
Also, various TV sitcoms from the 50’s to the present like The Dick Van Dyke Show, I Love Lucy, Who’s the Boss, Malcolm in the Middle, Modern Family, The Office, and many others have been referred in the show bringing back nostalgia of those shows. If you wanted something entertaining with superheroes or you are aware of the Marvel Universe, then go for this one definitely, you won’t be disappointed at all. The show has done justice to the lead characters of the show since both Wanda and Vision are not at all prioritize in the previous Marvel movies.
Showing the character development of the series with keeping all the previous Marvel movies in place and making it relevant is something about the show which I personally am impressed about the show. Predicting what’s coming next is not at all easy making the show interesting till the last. Also, various non-related product commercials are placed in between each episode which I believe the makers are providing hints for what’s coming next in MCU is another plus point of the show. Wanda will be seen next in the 2022 movie “Doctor Strange & the Multiverse of Madness”. Also, do not forget to check out the post-credit scenes.
All the 9 episodes of WandaVision is now streaming on Disney+Hotstar.
Ningthoujam Rohit Kumar Singh
1st Semester
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Well written
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