This blog is the contribution by the students, research scholars, resource persons, faculty members, media educators, journalists and alumni of the Department of Communication and Journalism, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India
Wednesday, 7 April 2021
Learning Foreign languages and culture
True, it is not possible to learn every other language on earth but the more we do, the more we get exposed to diverse cultures and traditions. It helps us in approaching new ways of thinking and solving problems, bridging communication barrier and discovering a whole new vision of the world outside our regular lifestyle.
Learning foreign languages and cultures comes with a lot of side benefits along with fun. I had the opportunity to learn French as a part of my graduation; and though I cannot claim, I am fluent in it but it helped me in ways like improving my pronunciations and patience along with helping me grab some basic conversing skills in the language.
I also happened to be familiarize with some of the French cultures in the process.
Language and culture are interlinked. In order to understand one properly, we have to equally consider understanding the other. One can travel or can always read and watch documentaries, movies etc. which is the most convenient way now during the pandemic. Either are adventurous if you enjoy.
I happened to develop interest in watching Korean and Chinese historical dramas which fascinated me towards their cultures and languages. My curiosity increased as I read and watched more documentaries on them. During all this time, apart from learning basic conversations in the languages, I could also acquire knowledge of their history, cultures, values, traditions among others.
Along with being an interesting journey, learning about different countries helps us overcome racial division and stereotypes; I believe we get more involved with universal beliefs and the idea of 'egalitarianism' rather than wasting time and efforts in 'ethnocentrism'. It is in no way being indifferent to one's own language and culture, but being an awesome global citizen!
By Sanyukta Senapati
Roll No. 24
1st semester
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Nice write up. France is Love.
ReplyDeleteWooww nice đ
ReplyDeleteNice đ
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing. Thank you for sharing this.