This blog is the contribution by the students, research scholars, resource persons, faculty members, media educators, journalists and alumni of the Department of Communication and Journalism, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India
Friday, 9 April 2021
The average time to realize
We use technology every day in our life for everything. People just expect the lights to be on, we are activating about 250 different microchips in the modern automobile. The banks, our credit card purchase almost about everything is chased by technology. We are also seeing appliances that have become internet enabled.
Technology is just becoming the fabric of the modern world. We are becoming increasingly dependent on it. People don’t realize that behind all of these systems, there’s computer that were probably built 20 years ago. All of the computers and software are deeply insecure.
The standard view of a cybercriminal is some 10 year old kid hacking away at a keyboard in between playing games. But it has changed. Today it’s run by traditional organized crime groups and new modern organizations. They are global, multinational, multilingual and operating 24/7.
Cybercrime happens in the background and by the time we actually realize it, 99% of the people who have been victims of cybercrime don’t even know about it. According to the studies, the average time for detection is over 200days. All of our customers credit cards are out on the internet or people are starting to short our stock. One hacker group may have stolen up to 1 billion from banks around the world. Cyber attacks are still happening.
For some parts of the world the whole concept of cyber world ,internet and computers is so new, that they have absolutely no laws against cybercrime. If we have a legal framework that allows the countries to cooperate, then the victim can’t do much about the attacker.
The technology is developing way too quickly. For us to rely upon legal instruments to fix this problem is quite tough, most of the world’s information is not encrypted, whether it is our credit card number or personal data. We have the attackers running away very quickly and it’s very difficult to defend against them.
Are we safe on the online atmosphere? There’s never been a time for exponential change in the cyber security world. I think that the next huge technology should be the creation of a safer internet.
Manjima Nambiar
Ist Semester
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Well written đ
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ReplyDeleteGood one��
ReplyDeleteGood one...
ReplyDeleteGood one Manjima
ReplyDeleteWords that Focusing on the present tech era. Keep. Writing Manjima.
ReplyDeleteWell written, Manji
ReplyDeleteNice work. Keep it up.