This blog is the contribution by the students, research scholars, resource persons, faculty members, media educators, journalists and alumni of the Department of Communication and Journalism, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India
Wednesday, 7 April 2021
Breaking myths on the Gym
About two and a half years ago,I told my friends that I would go to the gym from tomorrow on. Their reaction was unlikely. They told me that if I go to gym I will get a physique like boys. This made me wonder whether I would really get a body like boys if I go to gym. I slept throughout the night thinking about this.
The next morning, I got ready to go to the gym. When I went there, I saw everyone busy. The sound of irons dumbbells, heavy breathing, panting with high volume music in the background got me in the mood. I slowly walked over to the trainer's desk. He gave me a form to fill up and then showed me all the equipment in the gym and how they function. He showed me back, leg, shoulder, biceps- triceps machines etc. At first I lifted a 2.5 kg dumbbell and it felt too heavy for me.But the trainer told me that it's my first time, that's why it felt too heavy after some time I will able to use that easily.
Since I was on my first day in the gym, I did a little jump, squat which meant I warmed up for the flexibility of the whole body. At that time, it was on the back of mind that gymming is not an easy thing. However,it is important to have a good diet list after work out. like including protein, carbs, good fat, calories comprising Fish, chicken, rice, butter , fruit, vegetables, milk among others. Since I was going to gain weight. So, he also told me to eat more.
I was curious to know if what my friends had told me was true. I asked my trainer about it. He laughed and said "No it's not true it depends on your exercise and diet" . When man and woman exercise , their bodies are affected differently. So, there is no such thing. But girls who do bodybuilding , take a professional help . So sometimes they also use artificial means like steriods and supplements. But in general, most of the girls exercise to stay fit and stay away from diseases . And I sighed in relief.
Then I asked again, is there is a negative side here? He told me that, "A gym is a place where you can keep fit ". Basically, there are many benefits of gymming. But if we look at the problem, - exercising at the age 50 to 55 can lead to bone pain. Otherwise, problems are rare. However if one fails to follow rules and regulations while exercising you will find that body is harmed.
At the end the trainer said that exercising keeps us physically as well as mentally fit. His words, hit me and made me want to exercise.
Janmani Kalita
1st Semester
Department of Communication and Journalism, Gauhati University, Guwahati.
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Helpful guide for beginners
ReplyDeleteThank you
DeleteWow. Nice tips, Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you
ReplyDeleteThank you
DeleteAnd I feel motivated for some workout now. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThank you
DeleteMoi u jau goi e gymđĒ
ReplyDeleteOkk jaba đ
ReplyDeleteThank you
DeleteYou beautifully express your feelings ✨đ
ReplyDeleteThank you
ReplyDeleteThank you
ReplyDeleteThank you
DeleteUseful post dear
ReplyDeleteThis is what i want.Useful information and written well
ReplyDeleteWow... Thank you