This blog is the contribution by the students, research scholars, resource persons, faculty members, media educators, journalists and alumni of the Department of Communication and Journalism, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam, India
Wednesday, 7 April 2021
I am a Selenophile and it has helped me.
Selenophile basically means 'moon lover'. Its like having deep fondness for the moon. The phases of the moon symbolize immortality, eternity and enlightenment. Its more of a like a ray of hope, that gives out positivity amongst thr darkest nights.
Since I was a little girl, I loved gazing the night sky. The moon, especially would always follow me no matter where I would wander and thats something that really fascinated me. My love for the moon grew stronger as I grew up. I found some kind of inner peace sitting under the night sky. As an adult, whenever stressed or shattered, I still prefer sitting on the rooftop under the moonlight.
It might sound wierd and some of you might even think of me as retarded, but once I actually felt like the moon was replying me back, saying, 'The pain is temporary. Its okay to release, let go of things that doesn't fulfill you and breathe'.
Well, it can be more than just tilting your head up to the night sky. It is nevertheless a valuable exercise, almost therapeutic. It is considered as an ancient therapy. Besides healing our inner-selves, it can affect the way we interact with others too. Studies have also shown the psychological benifits of gazing the celestial bodies and its effect on human psyche. It is also proven that it plays an important role in boosting happiness, health and also helps to shift depression.
The long period of lockdown during the pandemic and the sinking feeling of loneliness have been cut down owing to this quality of mine. So. can we all begin to appreciate the night sky. For me, it would always be the dependable and silent moon.
-Sagarika Dey
1st Semester
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Wow, thanks for sharing the word as well as the concept, very good piece.
ReplyDeleteSame here! I am a moonchild and I can completely relate to thisđ You have described the emotional bonding so precisely! Beautiful.