Saturday, 28 October 2017

Western origin of Development Communication to develop in cultural roots

“The concept of development journalism has western origin.  It emphasizes on acquisition of wealth but other countries in the globe emphasize on socio-cultural values. We need to implement the western concept of development in our socio-cultural context. Taking western precept as it is will not bring changes here”, Prof. KV Nagaraj said while lecturing on Development Communication during the first session of the second day of Refreshers Course held in UGC- Human Resources Development Centre, Gauhati University. The Refresher Course on Development Communication was inaugurated here on October 23. Prof. Nagaraj explained at length about the historical development of the concept of development Communication and he said that it has different nomenclatures: community journalism, peace journalism, inclusive journalism.
Prof. Nagaraj said that development journalism should be contextualized in the changing world of 21 century. It should bring about change in the mindset of people for social change. It should emphasize on education for personality development. In India, he said, priority is given to literacy and not to education. In this context, he referred Daniel Lerner according to whom education aims at changing personality for better. Mentioning UNESCO report, he said that India lacks quality education. India has about 700 universities but they have not made great contribution in the world.
For the effective communication of developmental message, there should be credibility of source. Today people are suspicious about the message. People suffer from overload of information of same thing. Today people want government to do everything but at the same time they suspect government. This suspicious attitude of people on government has colonial root. People suspect on Government developmental message because of corrupt system. Prof. Nagaraj further explained that why there is resistance to accept message that are meant for social change. However, concept of development is a complex, and it often remainmere academic. Developmental journalism is not only about development but also about the absent of development.

As Prof. Nagaraj highlighted, Development Journalism is not happening in India because of obsession with politics and colonial past. Only 2 per cent of English speaking elite population control the policy making and decide for the rest of 98 per cent of Non-English speaking populace who do not participate in the decision making which impacts the development in India. Narrating the historical background, Prof. Nagaraj also said that till 19th century, Europe was not developed. Europe has become rich today by exploiting Asian countries. India became poor because of colonial exploitation. western exploitation and dominance continues by manufacturing and misrepresentation of news and information.  Therefore, we should not see development through the prism of western concept.  In Indian context, mass media, through Development Communication, is to bring about changes in the minds of people, aspiring for better and valuing the cultural roots of India.

Report prepared by Dr. Nicholas Lakra on the first session, October 24, 2017 on Refresher Course on Communication for Development organised by DEpartment of Communication and Journalism and UGC-HRDC, Gauhati University with support from UNICEF, Assam 

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