Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Inaugural session of Refresher Course on Communication for Development

The inaugural session of the Refresher Course on ‘Communication for Development’ was held in the conference hall of the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Gauhati University in the august presence of the Director of UGC-HRDC, Gauhati University Professor Jogen Chandra Kalita, invited guest speaker for the occasion, Professor K.V. Nagaraj, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mass Communication, Mizoram Univesity, Registrar of Gauhati University, Dr. S.K Nath , programme co-ordinator and Head of the Department of Communication and Journalism, Gauhati University , Dr. Ankuran Dutta,  Deputy Director of UGC-HRDC, Gauhati University, Dr. Shyamanta Chakraborty, and 26 participants (academicians) selected from different parts of the country. The programme was inaugurated with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp by the dignitaries present on the occasion. Professor Kalita spoke at length about the importance of holding such a Refresher Programme which is one of a kind for the benefit of the teachers. He paid glowing tributes to Dr. Ankuran Dutta for providing the necessary financial assistance which has been channeled through UNICEF, Assam. He further said that  the Human Development Resource Centre of Gauhati University have always sought to bring out the best from the participants (research scholars and academicians) by engaging the best minds from the industry. In this context, he stated that Gauhati University has even signed Memorandum of Understanding with a number of top class reputed educational institutions from UK and Japan for the purpose of  engaging in research related activities thereby cementing its place as one of premier universities in the global arena.
Professor K.V. Nagaraj, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mass Communication, Mizoram University spoke about how development can be initiated with the help of communication. He also said that development is the process of economic and social transformation that is based on complex cultural and environmental factors and their interaction.
The Registrar of the University, Dr. S.K Nath spoke about the how the UGC-HRDC, Gauhati University has always attached importance in quality by organizing such need based courses which would go a long way in bringing about holistic development in the society. While eulogizing the effort of Dr. Ankuran Dutta for mooting the idea for holding such a refresher course with support from UNICEF, Assam, he said that in the coming weeks the participants would benefit from several brainstorming sessions .
The co-ordinator of the Refresher Course and the Head of the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, Gauhati University, Dr. Ankuran Dutta said that Gauhati University have always strove for excellence in every field of life and education is not an exception to this. This fact can well be documented by way of holding important academic discourses, international seminars/conventions, workshops etc. which Dr. Dutta has said led to an exchange of ideas and opinions among the University fraternity. He also thanked the authorities of UGC-HRDC for giving the necessary platform to enable the participants of the ongoing Refresher Course to engage in debate and discussion on the line of ‘Communication for Development’. While briefly elaborating the schedule of the said Course, Dr. Dutta also highlighted the fact the Department of Communication and Journalism, Gauhati University, being the oldest media department in the North-East, have been commemorating ‘50 years of Media and Communication Education in India’s North East’ by organizing a series of programmes like workshops, seminars, invited talks and an International Conference which is scheduled to be held in the later part of November, 2017.
Deputy Director of UGC-HRDC, Gauhati University, Dr. Shyamanta Chakraborty emphasized on the need to maintain discipline and punctuality while at the same time one must keep oneself updated on the developmental issues taking place in different parts of the world. He also added that coming from different educational backgrounds, each of the participants can contribute towards reaching a common consensus on different academic issues.

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