Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Development does not mean uprooting the originality of people

The class mainly focused on three concepts and their interrelation with each other. The three concepts were media, communication and development communication. Starting with the origin of the term media i.e. from the word Medium or Mediation, various angles were elaborated. The features and functions of media   such as the mediatory role between the people and public, media’s influence, functions such as to educate, to inform, to entertain, persuade, debate and discus. Media’s role in cultural promotion, edutainment, an agent for social change, knowledge circulator and multiplier were all elaborately discussed. Media’s positive campaign on various issues such as health (polio), school enrollment among others were also discussed. The historic events such as the emergency period from 1975- 1977, and the evolution of the Indian cinema of the 60s and  70s such as Sholay, Mother India to cartoons and animation which had famous character such as Mina were linked with the entire concept of development communication. Stories with a moral conclusion along with direct social messages were part of the discourse. Opinions where media is considered to be an integral part of human life and man’s incapability to escape media’s existence and influence were justified in the discussion.  
Secondly, Communication, which is the root of all human activities right from sharing knowledge, information dissemination and experience establishing the co- relation between media and communication was established. “Media is one of the most powerful and influential part of communication. In order to prove the influence of media in the society an understanding of the development stories is extremely important,” stated Kashyap.So to elaborate this he cited examples of stories that he himself has covered. The successful radio programme named “Krishi Jagat” (where the listeners who were mostly non- literate were the real heroes making the green revolution a great success with the help of agricultural information provided via the program)
Coming to the third concept, Development communication or Journalism, he analusd few definitions such as:
Nora Quebral, 1975: It is an art and sciences of human communication applied and achieve speedy transformation of a country and the mass of its people from poverty to a dynamic state of economic growth that makes promotes greater social equality and larger fulfillment of the human potential.
Rosario Braid, 1979: It is an element of the management procession in the overall planning and implementation of development programmes. In a broad sense, it is the identification and utilization of appropriate in the development process that will assist in increasing participation of intended beneficiaries at the grass root levels.
The resource person made an attempt to define development communication as a special area of interest along with how the media can be used in a positive manner to bring about sustainable development in the society. He said, “Development should not only be measured in economic terms but in social, political, cultural, educational aspects also”.
Few parameters that surrounded the concept of development communication such as a perceptible change in people lives, per capital income of the majority of the people for a given period of time, access to clean drinking water, sanitation, heath care, primary education, immunization, employment, road connectivity and its relation to market expansion to employment, proper education, better facilities to health care etc. was a part of elaboration.
Kashyap also said that, “Development does not mean uprooting the originality of the people and civilization in the name of development, industrialization and expansion, it also does not mean the destruction of the beautiful mother nature, but it means sustainable development, bringing desirable changes, thinking and working for the people of the society.

At the end of the session Kashyap discussed about his experience in the Indian Express and explained the ground reality of the journalism world along with the development stories of the state of Assam citing examples of the development of higher education and multipurpose school including Goalpara Rabha community, the koyal lady named “rangoli” who self-educated herself at the age of 45 along with many more fascinating stories.

Report prepared by Shashi Subba on the second session, October 24, 2017 on Refresher Course on Communication for Development organised by DEpartment of Communication and Journalism and UGC-HRDC, Gauhati University with support from UNICEF, Assam 

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