Sunday, 9 January 2022

Climate inclusive CHOICES

Today the world consists of 7.6 billion humans (approx), who make trillions of decisions every day. These decisions not only determine the present and future of an individual but also about the earth in totality. In the 21st century, it is of utmost importance that we recognize the importance of our decisions and make them with a 360-degree perspective. When the eyeballs of the intellectual fraternity shift towards Conference of Parties in Glasgow, UK, We as a generation need to internalize that we need to walk the talk regarding climate change as the planet earth is alarming us with extreme weather conditions. According to FICCI average per capita consumption of plastic in India is about 11kgs in the year 2014-15. And it is estimated by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural gas that the annual per capita consumption in India would be 20 kgs by 2022. Now, let us have a look at how our small changes in the decision will change the choices that we make, and that can lead to a lasting impact on the climate. The packed dring water that we usually buy is the single used plastics and we tend to buy it without even realizing how much plastic we are consuming. Now if we could carry a metal bottle then that would not only improve the plastic consumption but also the health conditions of an individual. This is just an example that I tried to throw light on. There are zillions of such choices that we could make towards a more sustainable world to live in. I could have given a few more suggestions and examples but what would be more effective is to educate yourself with the help of the search engine that is available to us. Let’s put this much effort to build a climate inclusive lifestyle. I also acknowledge the fact that issues such as climate change need a multi-stakeholder approach, therefore we also must complete our duty by putting pressure on the government and private stakeholders to opt for climate-inclusive ways of production and governance. It might seed laborious but trust me it is as simple as just sending a mail. Start with asking your local member of parliament regarding the district or state climate action policies. That might create the change that you want to see. LET’S NOT FORGET, IF THE PLANET SUSTAINS THEN ONLY EVERYTHING ELSE WILL FOLLOW. Tusa Ranjan Bora MCJ 1st Sem

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