Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Photography for Communication

Photography in simple term is an art of capturing moods and emotions of day-to-day life. Photography is a universal tool for communication. A photographer is a communicator and his photograph serves as message to his target audience. A photograph speaks the language of a photographer. A photograph is composed of many elements. Each element has its own expression. Out of these colour is the most effective element in photography. Colours play with the emotions of the viewers like nature photography connects its audience to the freshness of nature and monochromic portraits may deliver the expressions, aging and vintage lifestyle. 

A photograph without emotion is a snapshot so to communicate with the audience one must feel the emotions of the moment. Taking into the account of professional photography composition and exposure is what photographers mostly play with. Intensity of light and darkness can even change the mood and emotion of a photograph. Composition is basically narrating a story within the frame in a single shot. It can tell stories of happiness as well as sadness. A photograph can take you to places you have never been and provide us an experience of a tour. This is how photography communicates to the people, place or things related to human life. At the present state photography has grown into tree barked with profession, passion, creation, education, career and business. A great desire for photographic knowledge is mostly seen among the youngsters of today’s generation who want to take photography to express their strong veiw points out to the world.
Himashree Deka

বৈজ্ঞানিক যুগত অন্ধবিশ্বাস

সততে আমি চিঞৰি থাকো যে আমি বৈজ্ঞানিক যুগৰ আধুনিক নাগৰিক । বিজ্ঞানৰ ন ন সৃষ্টিত আৰম্ভ হয় আমাৰ জীৱনৰ গতিধাৰা । কবলৈ গলে বিজ্ঞানৰ এই সৃষ্টিবোৰৰ অবিহনে স্তব্ধ হৈ পৰিব আমাৰ জীৱনযাত্ৰা । বিজ্ঞানৰ এই সৃষ্টিবোৰ আমি সকলোৱে আকোৱালি লৈছো সঁচা কিন্তু প্ৰকৃতাৰ্থত আমাৰ মাজৰ কিমান সংখ্যক লোকে বৈজ্ঞানিক মানসিকতাক আকোৱালি লৈছে সেইটোহে সবাতোকৈ গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ । কিয়নো আমাৰ সমাজত অন্ধবিশ্বাসৰ নামত সংঘটিত হবলৈ ধৰা কিছুমান বৰ্বৰ ঘটনাই আচলতে ভবাই তুলিছে আমি সচাঁকৈয়ে বৈজ্ঞানিক যুগৰ আধুনিক নাগৰিক নে? 
আমি প্ৰায়েই অন্ধবিশ্বাসৰ নামত সংঘটিত ঘটনাবোৰৰ বাবে অশিক্ষিত লোকসকলকে জগৰীয়া বুলি কওঁ যদিও বহু সময়ত দেখিবলৈ পোৱা যায় যে বহু উচ্চ শিক্ষিত লোকসকলো অন্ধবিশ্বাসত বিশ্বাসী । সাধাৰণ লোকৰ দৰেই বহু শিক্ষিত লোককো দেখিবলৈ পোৱা যায় ভিন্ন ৰঙী পাথৰৰ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা আৰু এই সম্পৰ্কত তেওঁলোকক সুধিলে কয় যে গ্ৰহৰ দোষ খণ্ডন কৰিবলৈ বা দিন বেয়া চলিছে সেয়েহে ভাল হবলৈহে এনেধৰণৰ পাথৰৰ ব্যৱহাৰ । এনে কথা শুনিলে মনত ভাব হয় যদি পাথৰেৰে ভাগ্য বা দিন সলনি কৰিব পৰা যায় তেন্তে সকলোৱে চোন পাথৰ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিয়েই দিন ভাল কৰি লব পাৰে তেতিয়া সমাজত কাৰো একো সমস্যাই নাথাকিব । কিন্তু এনে নহয় । মৃত্যু জানো কোনোৱে পাথৰৰ দ্বাৰা ৰখাই থব পাৰিছে ? নিশ্চয় নাই , তেন্তে পাথৰ ব্যৱহাৰৰ দ্বাৰা কিদৰে দিন সলনি কৰা সম্ভৱ । এই কথাষাৰ সকলোৱে অনুধাৱন কৰাটো উচিত ।
যিসময়ত চিকিৎসা বিজ্ঞানৰ দ্ৰুত উন্নতি সেইসময়তে এতিয়াও একাংশ লোকে বেমাৰ হ'লে সহায় লয় বেজৰ , মানসিক ৰোগ হ'লে বিশ্বাস কৰে ভূত লম্ভা বুলিহে । এতিয়াও বহুলোকে জণ্ডিছ ৰোগ নহবলৈ পৰিধান কৰে মালা ।
এয়া কেৱল কোনো ভিতৰুৱা গাঁৱত সংঘটিত ঘটনা এনে নহয় চহৰ অঞ্চলটো এনেধাৰনাত বিশ্বাসী বহু লোক আছে । যদিওবা টিভি , ৰেডিঅ'ৰ দ্বাৰা বিভিন্ন সময়ত বিভিন্ন ৰোগ সম্পৰ্কে প্ৰায়েই বহু বিজ্ঞানসন্মত অনুষ্ঠান সম্প্ৰচাৰিত হয় তথাপিও যেন মানুহৰ এনেধাৰণা এতিয়াও সলনি হোৱা নাই । 
আকৌ অতীতকালত মানুহে চন্দ্ৰগ্ৰহণ , সূৰ্যগ্ৰহণ সম্পৰ্কত ভবাৰ দৰে নীতি নিয়মৰ মাজেৰে চলাৰ দৰে আজিও যেন বহু লোকেই তেনেকৈয়ে বিশ্বাস কৰে আৰু সেই সময়ছোৱাত নোখোৱাকৈ থাকে ইত্যাদি । যদিও বিজ্ঞানে প্ৰমাণ কৰিছে যে আচলতে এইবোৰ মহাজাগতিক পৰিঘটনাহে । যি সময়ত বিজ্ঞানে চন্দ্ৰক লৈ পৰীক্ষা চলাইছে , চন্দ্ৰলৈ মানুহ পঠিওৱাৰ পৰিকল্পনা কৰিছে । সেই একেসময়তে মানুহৰ  এনেধাৰণা সচাঁকৈয়ে চিন্তনীয় ।
  ধৰ্মীয় প্ৰথা আৰু পৰম্পৰাৰ নামত পূজাৰ সময়ত বা বিভিন্ন মঠ মন্দিৰত প্ৰায়েই বলি বিধান চলে । বিভিন্ন সময়ত সমাজৰ একাংশ সচেতন লোক আৰু প্ৰকৃতিপ্ৰেমীসকলে ইয়াৰ বিৰুদ্ধাচৰণ কৰি আহিছে । যদিও এই প্ৰথা চলিয়ে আছে । একাংশ লোকে দেৱ-দেৱীক সন্তুষ্ট কৰি আৰ্শীবাদ পাবলৈ সহায় লয় জীৱ-জন্তক বলীশালত দি । 
আচলতে এনেধৰণৰ অন্ধবিশ্বাসৰ পৰাই বৰ্তমান সময়ত অন্ধবিশ্বাসৰ শিপাডাল বাঢ়িবলৈ ধৰিছে আৰু ই এনে এক চৰম পৰ্যায়ত উপনীত হৈছে যে নৰহত্যা কৰিবলৈও কুন্ঠাবোধ নকৰা হৈছে একাংশই অন্ধবিশ্বাসৰ নামত । এইক্ষেত্ৰত শেহতীয়াকৈ অসমত মোৱাইল ফোন বিচাৰি এজন কালী সাধকে সংঘটিত কৰা নৰহত্যাৰ কথা কব পাৰি । যি সময়ত বিজ্ঞান প্ৰযুক্তিৰ দ্বাৰা জি.পি.এছ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি হেৰুৱা মোবাইল ফোন বিচাৰি উলিয়াব পাৰি সেই একে সময়তে অসমত সংঘটিত হ'ল নৰহত্যাৰ দৰে ঘটনা । এয়াই যে প্ৰথম তেনে নহয় বহু সময়ত অসমত অন্ধবিশ্বাসৰ নামত এনেধৰণৰ বহু গাৰ নোম শিহৰি উঠা ঘটনা সংঘটিত হৈ আহিছে যদিও এইবোৰ বন্ধ কৰাৰ বাবে এতিয়াও উচিত পদক্ষেপ লোৱা নাই ।
সমাজখনক আকৌ কলংকিত কৰাৰ আগতেই সময় আহি পৰিছে এইবোৰ ইয়াতেই ৰোধ কৰাটো আৰু ইয়াৰ বাবে উপযুক্ত পদক্ষেপ গ্ৰহণ কৰাটো অতিকে দৰকাৰ । আৰু এইক্ষেত্ৰত সংবাদ মাধ্যম আৰু সমাজৰ শিক্ষিতচামৰ এক উল্লেখনীয় ভুমিকা আছে । কিন্তু অতি লক্ষণীয়ভাৱে যেতিয়া সমাজৰ একাংশ উচ্চশিক্ষিতলোকেই অন্ধবিশ্বাসত বিশ্বাসী হয় তেন্তে এই ইয়াক গুৰিৰ পৰা কেনেকৈ উভালিব পাৰি সেয়াহে ভাবিবলগীয়া , কিয়নো কথাতে কয় নহয় যে টোপনি গৈ থকা মানুহক জগাবলৈ ভাল কিন্তু টোপনিৰ ভাও ধৰি থকা লোকসকলক জগোৱাটোহে কঠিন ।
সেয়েহে শেষত কওঁ যে আমি সকলোৱে অন্ধবিশ্বাসৰ পৰা আতঁৰি বৈজ্ঞানিক মানসিকতাৰে চলা উচিত। তেতিয়াহে সমাজৰ পৰা এইবোৰ আতঁৰ কৰা সম্ভৱ হব । 
পিংকী ঠাকুৰীয়া

Music That Connects Heals And Unites…

Music is one of the oldest and greatest creations by human being. Human beings have witnessed the presence of music since the early stages of human civilization. Right from the usage of the tools, they have learned the basic creation of music and since then we all know what music has turned out to be. Music has no language, regional and religious barrier all across the globe and it has become an essential part of our lives. Music has an absolute positive vibe that can influence our mind and body. The above cited concept about music has been always true in my case as well or I can say wider in fact. Since childhood I have been a big music lover and was always in search of good music irrespective of language, country or genre. I was not involved with music during my school days but as soon as I stepped in college (Gauhati University) I got the opportunity to learn some of the basics of western classical music beginning with the guitar. The initial days were quite unknown; the curiosity in my mind compelled me to learn new aspects about music that could be created through the stringed instrument.
After having tried others guitar I possessed my own very soon and this stopped the long wait that I had to endure  to use other’s guitar.
First strum on my guitar, and what a feeling it induced in my mind. The memories so strong have been still fresh and vivid. I realized that I was a quick learner and soon caught the attention of many. After having met with several musicians and singer in and around the university campus, I remember the first call that came to me for a performance and the excitement and nervousness it gave me at the same time. Very soon these little knowledge and involvement in music gave me a platform I had never imagined. All of us know life is not a bed of roses which comprises of various problems and sorrows; it won’t leave us till we die but we all find different ways to heal our wounds and keep ourselves happy in some way or the other.. Like everyone I have been through some of the difficult days of my life and I know there’s lot more to come thereafter but what kept my nerves still was my involvement in music.
Varsity week 2014 was ahead and hostellers were busy preparing for various cultural competitions. I with some of my fellow mates prepared with lots of hard work; well one more step towards my first ever competition. We sang well but we were  not declared winners; however this left an indelible mark in my mind  and made me realize that there are so many new things that I learn.
My plethora of experiences and the modest knowledge of music gave me the prospect to be a part of professional choir group. It was an extremely undiscovered world for me and it was the first ever platform outside the campus where I got an opportunity to express my talent. My evenings got a new purpose that was full of musical mirth and entertainment but the best part is I met with some of the awesome musically iterate persons and struck with them new bonding of friendships. Days, months and a year with lots of memories smeared with new colors in my life. Now we can boast of shows that includes the international shows in SOUTH ASIAN GAMES 2016 held in Guwahati and there was one thing that I learnt during such shows is that even if all the people don’t understand the language that we sing it does not stop them from enjoying and cheering us; and that’s the magic of music that unite us all.
Perhaps exposure to different forms of music could lead to exploration of new ideas and transcend boundaries they  never thought existed. 
Rahul Rabha              

Don’t Do the Drug

There is no other age group more affected by drug than young people. Using drug has become a serious threat to the health of today's youth. Drug is an intoxicant substance or any substance other than food that causes a physiological change in the body when inhaled, smoked, absorbed or consumed through injecting into the skin.
 This consumption of drug among the youth has also created a nationwide tremor on the breakdown of norms of the society. Drug addiction is a better word than consumption of drugs. Most of the people who are under the category of adolescent or youth falls victim of this practice. This practice of drug consuming itself is a crime that has been banned by the WHO long years back. But illegal drug business continues the crime behind the curtain. I have come through many students of the age group 15- 25 years recently who have been under the influence of drugs during my visit to a school on a health fitness campaign with an NGO named ‘Ramdhenu’.
As a new member of the NGO,I was appalled and shocked at the staggering annual report on drug usage. It categorically stated that more than 50 percent of the youth in a small village of the Kamrup rural district were addicted to drugs or were under the influence of any other substance.
The most important point is that these students consume drugs in places like schools, colleges, homes, parks, etc. The reason behind this addiction is unknown to most of the sources and institutions, however the chainging social structure as well as the easy availability of such substance can be attributed to be the cause of drug abuse.
Sadly even the victim fails to realize each time after consuming drugs about the impact of such product. The first use of drugs starts occasionally then it becomes a habitual factor. Using drugs destroys the credibility of a human. It stops the capability of thinking and starts to control one's mind. One become a wild animal who can do anything for drugs and gives up all kinds of rational ideas.
We should have an anti drug movement among us. Most importantly, there is a need to stop and destroy the sellers first. Therefore, we need a strong active police force as well as a sustainable awareness campaign among the people.
Arif Aslam

Physics to Journalism

Three months have passed since the 1st class in the Department of Communication and Journalism at Krishna Surhar dekh (Gulmohar’s region). This name is derived from the fact that the university campus is full of Gulmohar trees and the roads are shaded from both sides from these trees. Yes, I am a fresher in Gauhati University. Like every student I also fell in love with the campus; basically with the beauty of these Gulmohar trees.
Having completed my graduation with Physics honours in July this year,  I joined Department, Communication and Journalism,  one of the oldest departments of the university to study Science Communication. At the very beginning, I found difficulties with the new humanities subject since my background was from Science. However I learnt that without Arts Science can't move ahead alone. Science and Arts both are the two faces of a coin; without anyone of two , the other one vanishes.  Gradually with the help of faculties of the Department I could overcome the problems that I had been facing right from the very onset.
Coming across the term Science Communication, I realised the gap between the two can be bridged. Science Communication is a public communication which is based on scientific facts. Science Communicators makes the society aware about scientific views, new innovation and inventions to name a few. They make sense to general people who have difficulty in understanding the basics of Science.
Science Communication is a new emerging career. Every media houses (print media along with electronic media) have their own Science Communicator. Again prominent research centres like BARC (Bhaba Atomic Research Centre), ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation), TIFR (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) require good Science Communicators.
If we talk in the context of Assam, then there is a basic need of Science Communication to a large extent. Witch hunting and other superstitious issues frequently become the headline of news papers. Even in the remote areas sometimes fake Godmen’s dominates the society and often mislead the people. To overcome these problems of our society we need scientific writings and collaboration with Science communicators to educate our general people. Then only we will be able to make our society free from all prejudices and we will have a healthy society.
Dhrubajyoti Nath

Folk Power for Sustainable Future

The main challenge in the journey of Modern civilization of human society is not a nuclear war or economic crisis, it’s about environmental instability or sensitivity. Environment is always a global issue. Though it is a global issue we must have act regionally because every country, state has different policies and they have different group of people, tradition, language and many more. The root cause of environment change is human activity towards nature. So, everybody should be aware of what has to be done and what has not to be done.
Effective communication tools are required to communicate properly from policy maker to ground level and find out suitable communication models which can work easily in the regional level to create awareness about environment among all sections of the  people in our country. Environment pollution activity and practices degrade the rural environment and it affects the natural surroundings. So, environment awareness campaign must be designed to reach different groups of people in different communities. Despite barriers in communication the Government must design policies or missions for the public creating awareness on different issues and uttilise alternative media since print, electronic or social media can cater to a certain section of the society. In Assam where literacy rate is not satisfactory, infrastructure is  a developing process and many groups and community’s speak different languages mainstream communication fails at certain levels. As a result government policy and other information can’t reach every individual.
Assam is an underdeveloped state. Electricity, well developed road system can’t cover the whole state. The geographical location has been creating communication disturbances since ancient time. In print or electronic media, commonly English, Hindi and as a regional language Assamese are used. But in Assam there is almost 25-30 tribes and each tribe has their own language, so it poses a problem. Therefore we have to think differently to select proper communication tool for every specific community and Folk Media may play a significant role here. It has been a common observation that through Folk Media, it is possible to penetrate to the sections where other media have limitations. Puppet shows, street plays, skits, stage performances, folk songs and folk dances and other traditional means of communication belong to this category. The main characteristics of Folk Media is that it is familiar media with community involvement and it is the cost effective media also. In Assam other Folk media like ojha pali, dhuliya, bhauna, mobile theater are also present which we can used for communication process and disseminating information. With the help of this media the policy and other necessary information can reach every individual because this medium uses community language, tradition and they are oral form involving two way linear communication processes. Therefore the acceptability of this media is more compared to other media. Feedback is also an immediate outcome of this process, therefore people’s responses, views, and comments can be quickly recorded.
However there are many challenges available in this medium like its mobility, proper implementation, organization, creative teams etc. But if we reduce these challenges and government and other organizations show their interest on Folk media using this medium as a communication tools in environment awareness campaign can surely be an effective process.
Abdul Momin

বড়ো সাহিত্যলৈ মিছনেৰীসকলৰ অৱদান

অসমৰ বড়ো লোকসকলৰ মাজত খ্ৰীষ্টিয়ান মিছনেৰীসকলে ধৰ্ম প্ৰচাৰৰ মাজেৰে শৈক্ষিক,ভাষিক তথা সাংস্কৃতিক আদি দিশত বিভিন্ন অৱদান আগবঢ়াই গৈছে।মৌখিক প...